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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School


School Uniform

We encourage the children to take a pride in their own appearance and in the school, through the wearing of school uniform.  This is a simple but effective way of promoting a sense of belonging and community which supports the achievement of high standards and a well ordered environment for learning.  The uniform is practical but simple.  We encourage the wearing of uniform and request that parents support this. Uniform can be branded with the school logo or unbranded, this is optional for parents.

In Winter our uniform is navy blue sweatshirts/jumpers/cardigans with school badge and navy blue skirts/pinafores or trousers. We also encourage children to wear white polo shirts with the school badge on them. Navy, grey or black tights and socks can be worn.

In Summer, children can wear plain navy shorts and summer dresses (blue and white striped or checked). Navy or white socks can be worn.

PE: All the children participate in P.E. unless excluded for medical reasons and will therefore need a P.E. kit to wear for these lessons. P.E. kit consists of a pale blue polo shirt with the school logo and plain navy or black shorts or leggings for indoor activities.  Children do P.E. indoors barefoot but will require plimsolls or trainers for outdoor activities. Plain navy or black track suits or jogging bottoms can be worn for outdoor P.E sessions.

All items of clothes should be marked with the child's name. It is expected that children wear black, sensible shoes as part of school uniform and not trainers, open backed or high heeled shoes. 

Only watches and stud earrings may be worn at school and must be removed for P.E. on grounds of safety.  Rings, necklaces and bracelets are not to be worn. Smartwatches (with phone capability and cameras) are not allowed. 

Uniform can be purchased from:

 If you would like any further information then please speak to the school office 01752 830317

Book bags and Rucksacks

EYFS and KS1 children require a school bookbag

KS2 children can bring a small rucksack that will fit on their peg

Outdoor Learning:

To maximise outdoor learning opportunities, children can bring in a pair of named Wellington boots and waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat in a bag to stay on their peg.