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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Outdoor Learning

At Holbeton Primary School, children experience high-quality curriculum enrichment through Forest, Farm and Beach School. We believe that outdoor learning brings the curriculum to life through 'hands-on' experiences. The Holbeton children learn to love and care for their environment and develop an understanding of how they can impact and influence it. 

  1. Autumn Term: Forest and Farm
  2. Spring: Forest and Farm
  3. Summer: Forest and Beach

During our Forest School sessions, all children will be encouraged to:

  • Develop personal, social and communication skills
  • Work through practical problems and challenges
  • Use tools to create, build or manage and to develop practical skills
  • Explore connections between humans and the natural world around us
  • Build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk
  • Become more motivated and improve their concentration span