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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Our School Values

Our Vision

‘Small but Mighty; Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow’

At Holbeton Primary School we are dedicated to providing a curriculum that enables all children to thrive and succeed. Our passionate teachers are committed to fostering a love of learning, ensuring every child is engaged, inspired and challenged. We believe in the power of outdoor learning and our unique locality offers a wealth of enrichment, exploration and ‘hands on’ learning. Relationships are at the heart of our school and our children feel valued and understood. We develop academic and personal growth, nurturing our children from tiny acorns to mighty oaks.

Our Aims

We aim for all children at Holbeton School to be:

  • Successful learners who achieve high personal standards and make progress through developing their skills, knowledge and personal qualities - Curriculum
  • Confident individuals who have high self-esteem, foster good relationships, respect others and care for their community - Culture
  • Responsible citizens who show values of responsibility, respect, co-operation and understanding about their contribution to society - Community

Our School Values

Together with our children and staff, we designed our school values which we hold dear to. These reflect who we are, what we believe in striving for and what values make us distinct. Our image helps remind us of our core values and these are celebrated regularly in awards and at the end of each term.


I can help others and support them with their learning.

I can be a good role model and demonstrate the Holbeton way.



I know that challenge is part of learning and if I keep trying, I will succeed.

I have a growth mindset and I don’t give up.

I know what the learning pit is and ways I can help myself.



I actively take part in all of the learning opportunities I have.

I take part in extra curricular clubs.

I use resources around me to help me.



I am curious about the world and enjoy asking questions to find out more.

I like to be an active learner and find out for myself, taking responsibility for my learning.



I know I am part of the Holbeton family.

I can work in groups or as part of a team.

I follow our school values and I am proud to be at Holbeton School.

I am a respectful, kind and caring friend to others.



I know some ways I can look after my physical and mental health.

I know some of the benefits being outdoors has on my body and mind.

I enjoy being active and eating healthily.