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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton School Association (PTA)

Holbeton School Association

Holbeton School Association (HSA) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. We therefore abide by their rules and regulations and bound by our Constitution.

HSA are committed to supporting both the staff and the governing body of Holbeton Primary School to ensure the continuation of the outstanding education that our children receive. It is up to the HSA to assist in providing those extras that our children love so much such as the outdoor learning classroom, help with transport costs to external events and activities, visiting story tellers & other external visitors and residential trips to name just a few.

HSA has been an integral part of the school community for many years and in the past 5 years alone has raised almost £55,000. This amazing amount has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s educational experience and the school’s facilities including the outdoor learning area, the adventure playground, new library books, sports and gymnastic equipment alongside a number of wonderful day trips and residentials.. There have been many fundraising events such as Christmas and Summer Fairs, talent shows, cinema nights, Easter Egg Bingo sessions and the hugely popular Weekly Cake Raffle. We have also been given amazing support from the fabulous HolbeFest summer event.

Family support and community presence help our children to grow up healthy, smart and strong so the collaboration of parents, guardians and the wider school community with our school takes on critical importance. Contributions of time and talent through the HSA enrich and strengthen both our school community and our children’s experience. There are so many opportunities to help out. HSA members have spent time as classroom assistants, reading partners, sewing assistants, forest school helpers, office volunteers, painters, gardeners & landscapers, shoppers, celebrators and, of course, event co-ordinators! Whenever there is a need for help, we ask our parents & guardians to pitch in! We often find the wider village community are keen to get involved and offer their assistance too.

It is always great to have new ideas and we would welcome more people who would like to come along and join us.

Contact:  Chair of the Holbeton School Association, Marie Roberts.

Tel: via School on 01752 830317
