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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Hands on Science!

Each half term we give the children the opportunity to take part in a child led investigation in Science. This gives them the opportunity to take ownership of their learning and explore as aspect of the topic that they would like to find out about.

Wonwell class chose chocolate as their focus. They wanted to find out how long it would take for a piece of chocolate to melt on their hand. We talked about the importance of a fair test and decided that the way we held the chocolate, the size of it and being put on our hands at the same time were the most important things. 

One child wondered if they would be able to feel it as it melted while another thought it might get more bendy as it heated up.  They realised that one thing they couldn't control was how hot their individual hands were. One piece of chocolate was completely intact after 10 minutes while others had become liquid. Please click here to see more photos.