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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Alien crash landing at School!

This term the topic for Wonwell class is 'Moon Zoom'. There was great excitement  today as Steve, our caretaker, rushed in to tell us something amazing had happened. We went outside to discover a strange object that the children decided must be a spaceship! There were green footprints leading away and lots of green slime everywhere. The children looked for clues and much excitement and discussion followed. Someone said they thought they saw something in the sky at breakfast club and one child thought they saw some eyes in the bushes. The classroom was alive with animated conversations, such as "Maybe it's a young alien from Mars", " If we can't get it back to space, maybe we'll need to make a new one", It's got real electric wires!" What a fantastic start to the week, we can't wait to find out more! Please click here to see more photos.