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Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Holbeton Primary School

Fab Fund Raising

Two great fundraising events at Holbeton school this week.

The children have made a fantastic effort with fundraising over the past few days. Red Nose Day raised an amazing £130.77 as well as a few eyebrows! Thank you to the Noss and Newton Amateur Theatre Association (NNATS) for joining the fundraising efforts with us.

Zoe form the Children's Hospice South West came to talk to Mothecombe class about what this amazing charity has to offer young children and their families. We were delighted to be a small part of the huge efforts to raise money at the Mothecombe Gardens Open day on Mothers' Day. The children sold cakes and bird boxes that we had made in school which contributed to the incredible £3050 that was raised.
Well done all. (Please look at Facebook for our pictures from Mothecombe House with Zoe.)